GCCHLA MEETING June 16, 2007


Meeting: The Meadow at York Gulch/ Overlooked Way


Time: 1:30 PM


Adjourned:  2:15 pm


Attendees (Board Members):


DePoyster, Curtis & Tina

Doane, Bob

Gallaher, Dave & Judy

Huntoon, Heather & Darryl

Penalo, Eva

Stahl, Dave- Alternate 

Taylor, Matt & Missy

VanGeet, Otto & Kelly

Vogt, Jim


Next Meetings: The next meeting is our annual meeting, to be held in September 2007. 


The previous meeting minutes were accepted.


Small Tract Act Update: Dave Gallaher.  No new news to report, appraisals are ongoing.


Road Report:  The five-year plan for road maintenance was accepted.


Community Mailboxes: Jim Vogt reported that the relocation issue is currently at the federal level.


GCCHLA Membership Promotion: Matt Taylor and Curtis DePoyster have made good progress on the home/ land owner list- the Clear Creek County portion is complete. 


Evacuation Routes: Matt Taylor's research indicates that the two gates on Hamlin Gulch appear to be legal; a private easement was apparently granted in 1997.


Mandatory Association Dues:  It was motioned and seconded that a vote will be taken at our September 2007 meeting to potentially amend our bylaws to require mandatory association dues.  An affirmative vote would require all home and land owners to pay the annual $45.00 membership fee.  Those in arrears could have a lien placed on their property by GCCHLA for failure to remain current with the association due schedule.


A lively debate ensued over the issue, with the following concerns expressed:


1)  The fee would be unfair to those with land-locked property (i.e., no road access).

2)  A mandatory fee would transform GCCHLA into a covenant organization because the fee would be a covenant.

3)  Incorporation as a township might be preferable to mandatory association dues.

4)  Those not living in the GCCHLA boundary should be assessed a lower fee.

5)  Would the administrative costs of placing liens exceed the amount owed/ collected?

6)  Mandatory fees are heavy-handed and oppressive.

7)  Everyone should pull their weight and pony-up the money.

8)  Progress requires participation.

9)  $45.00 is a small price to pay for benefits like the firehouse, which lowers home owner’s insurance.

10)  Even those that don’t live here benefit from the roadway leases GCCHLA purchases from the USFS.


2007 Officers:


Treasurer: DePoyster, Curtis

Secretary: Stahl, Dave

Vice President: Beckel, Laurie

President: Huntoon, Heather


Treasurer’s Report:


Emergency Fund Checking:        $1083

Emergency Fund Savings:          $9096

Homeowner’s Checking: $1083

Homeowner’s Savings:               $8146


Total Accounts:                         $19406